Solid Surface Worktops
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge - QWT6351LAC -
Artic Starchase
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge - QWT6351LBNS -
Nero Starchase
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge - QWT6351LWW -
Walkington White
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge and one return - QWT6351L1SAS -
Artic Starchase
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge and one return - QWT6351L1SA -
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge and one return - QWT6351L1SBK -
Bianco Kallos
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge and one return - QWT6351L1SGS -
Grey Starchase
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge and one return - QWT6351L1SGT -
Grey Tacarna
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge and one return - QWT6351L1SGM -
Gris Mancha
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge and one return - QWT6351L1SNS -
Nero Starchase
Legendary Interiors - 635mm deep with double bevel profile front edge and one return - QWT6351L1SS -